A Normal Day at the Grocery Store
A woman and her older mother walked into a grocery store.
“I’ll grab a carriage, charlie,” her mother insisted.
“No, mom. I’ll grab one.”
Charlie walked over to the carriages and pulled one out as they were stuck together.
A man slowly walked up behind them and said in slurred speech, “Hey, that was my carriage!” He stole their carriage and pushed it away.
“Sir, that’s our cart!”
“Mom, just let him have it. It’s not worth it.”
“Fine,” her mother hung her purse back on her shoulder as she was ready to attack him with the purse.
Charlie grabbed another carriage and her mother held the side of it tight. She was not letting go. She was not letting anyone take this carriage.
They walked into the soup aisle and heard the man shouting from a few aisles over. Charlie could quite make out what he was saying, but it sounded like “I can’t find it–no-ah-I’m suing!”
Charlie led her mother to the wine aisle to grab a few bottles, but the drunk man had dropped a few bottles on the floor. Shards of glass were stuck in his skin and wine-stained his clothes. He couldn’t feel the glass in him since he was intoxicated.
A few associates of the store rushed to the aisle with a mop and paper towels to pick up the glass.
“I’m suing all a-you for this!” the drunken man who kept trying to stand up but the floor was slippery.
The store manager followed behind the crowd of customers and maneuvered around them. The manager called the police and an ambulance.
A few minutes later, the EMTs arrived and lifted the man onto the gurney and pushed it out of the store.
The police took statements from a few customers and employees and left. The store associates slowly and carefully picked up the glass pieces and then mopped up the mess.
Charlie and her mother continued to shop as the commotion died down.
“What was all that about?” Charlie’s mother asked her.
“I don’t know, but he looked like the man who stole our carriage earlier. Maybe he was drunk and spilled the wine all over the place?”
“Maybe he trying to drink the wine right out of the bottle.”
“Mom, that’s ridiculous.”
“It could’ve happened.”
“Maybe, but let’s get you home.”
Charlie paid for their groceries and she drove her mother home. She dropped her off at the assisted living facility with her snacks.
The drunk man was checked into the hospital for his wounds and he was immediately arrested after he was discharged. He was charged with public drunkenness was sentenced to a year in prison.