Andice and Ryan Story
Andice sets down the boxes into her new apartment.
“We did it! I can’t believe we got away scot-free!” Andice says in excitement.
“I know, but I told the investigators how it happened,” Ryan says with worry in his voice.
“Why did you tell them anything?” Andice asks.
“I went back to the apartment for the remaining boxes and found them searching. I just told them about the embezzling and the new business. I didn’t tell them we were running away together,” Ryan says.
“Why couldn’t you just keep quiet? Now they’re going to come looking for us,” Andice says angered.
“I didn’t tell them where we were going, we’ll be fine,” Ryan insists.
They start unpacking the boxes and putting their trinkets and appliances. Andice sets a vase down, gets distracted by a call, and wobbles the table, breaking the vase.
“Honey, already? I know you’re a klutz, but come on,” Ryan slips out.
“What? You never talk to me like that. What is going on with you?” she asks as she touches his face.
“Nothing,” he said as sweat dripped down from his forward to his cheek.
“Really!” she said as she grabbed a wipe from her purse. She wiped away the makeup on Ryan’s face. “I knew, you not my Ryan. Where’s my boyfriend?”
“The jig is up, she figured it out,” the man said into his watch as he ran out.
“What, where is my boyfriend! she shouted as she followed the man, but he took their car.
“I will find out what’s going on, I just need to make a phone call,” she said as she looks through her call list.
“Hello? Conner and Andy Private Investigations,”
“Hi, this is Andice, I need your help again — ” Andice said, but Conner pulls the phone away from his ear to listen to Andy.
“Conner, we’re on a date. Put the phone away,” Andy whispered.
“I know, but it’s Andice,” Conner whispered back.
“I thought she ran away with her boyfriend. Why is she — ” Andy said as he grabs the phone from Conner. “Hi, this is Andy, how can we help you, Andice?”
“My boyfriend or should I say a man disguised as my boyfriend ran off. I need your help to find out where my real boyfriend went,” Andice said.
“We’ll take the case, meet us at the office tomorrow and we’ll figure this out together. Bye,” Andy as he hangs up the phone.
“Okay, but — ” Andy hung up before she could finish.
“Now where were we?” Andy says, handing back Conner’s phone and returning to eating.
“There isn’t much to discuss,” she says as she hears silence on the line.
The next day, Andice returns to the private investigators’ office.
“So, your boyfriend appears to not be who he seems,” Andy says.
“Do you have any idea where he might have went?” Conner asks Andice.
“I mean, he might have gone to his parents’ house until he found a place or maybe he went to a tropical island, I don’t know,” Andice guesses.
“Oh, maybe we should check your new place for clues,” Andy suggests.
“Okay, I just want to find him,” Andice says worried.
Andice drives to her new apartment and Conner and Andy follow. They enter the town of Loathers, under the town name it says, Loath is Loath. And they continue driving to her apartment building.
“Here we are. Sorry, we’re still unpacking,” Andice says as she steps inside.
“Well, let’s check if he left anything behind,” Andy says.
Conner checks the bathroom, Andice checks the bedroom, and Andy checks the kitchen.
“I found a comb and some cologne,” Conner shouts.
“I found his clothes and his watch,” Andice shouts.
“I found nothing, but utensils,” Andy shouts.
They reconvene in the living room.
“That’s the cologne he wears every day called vampirique,”
“Wait, that means vampiric in French,” Conner remembers.
“How did you know that?” Andy asks.
“I took French in high school and college,” Conner replies.
“Anyway, does that mean he’s a vampire?” Andice asks, steering the conversation back to the task at hand. She looked at Andy and Conner.
Andy shrugs his shoulders and Conner shakes his head ‘No’.
“No, vampires aren’t real. Not every man who uses this cologne is a vampire,” Conner denies.
“I know, but — looks his watch is set to London time,” Andice says.
“That means he’s going to London,” Andy says.
“I guess we’re going to London,” Conner says.
“Wait, should I really go to London? I don’t want to bother him. What if he already found someone else?” Andice doubts and questions.
“Don’t worry, we’ll find him. But where in London is he?” Conner asks as he pulls out his laptop from his satchel. “Got it, he just geotagged the Parks Hotel in London.”
“Wow, you’re good,” Andice says.
“You are good,” Andy says with a smile.
“Let’s go,” Andice says.
The sun shines as their plane lands in London. They unboard the plane and take a taxi to Ryan’s hotel.
At the hotel, Conner talks to the person at the front desk.
“Checking in?” the clerk asks.
“No, actually we’re looking for Ryan Blundder,” Conner says as he holds up his badge.
“If that is his real name,” Andy whispers.
“Don’t blow it for us,” Conner whispers back.
“You have no jurisdiction here, you are in Britain now,” the clerk said as looked at her computer screen.
“I’m his wife!” Andice shouts.
“Oh, he’s in room fifty-four on the fourth floor,” the clerk says, not wanting any trouble.
“Thank you,” Andice says.
Andice couldn’t wait to see her boyfriend’s face when she saw him.
Andice knocked on the door marked “54” and Ryan answered.
“Finally, I ordered room service an hour ago — Andice?” Ryan said in confusion. He closes the door and locks it.
“Ryan, open this door! Why did you run away to London?” Andice shouts.
“To get away from you,” Ryan says once he reopens the door, then he closes it again.
“Ryan, we don’t have to do this. I’m sorry for whatever I did,” Andice shouts through the door.
Conner and Andy look at each other.
Ryan opens the door once more, “Can you two give us some privacy?”
“Andice, you were suffocating and clingy. You wanted to follow me everywhere. Do you want to know the real reason I embezzled all that money — to get away from you,” Ryan said angrily. He shuts the door.
Andice cries and runs off.
Conner and Andy see her run out of the lobby and they follow her. She calls a cab and Conner and Andy follow in another cab.
They are taken back to the airport. Andice runs inside and gets the soonest flight back home.
Conner and Andy give up on following her and give her some space.