Battle of The Hearts: Part One
Jesse and his friend, Lee started a band called The Hearts in their sophomore year. They were both guitar players, so they needed a drummer and a keyboard player. They interviewed instrumentalists from around town to see how good or bad they were.
They finally narrowed it down to two players for each instrument.
Kevin who played the drums was a little bit of a bully. He made fun of them and called them names, but he was an amazing drummer. Kyle was also a drummer, but he was still learning. He’d only been playing for a few months.
Steven had been playing the piano since he was five and Spencer had been playing the piano since he was ten.
They made their decision in Jesse’s garage.
“So, I think we should pick Kevin and Steven,” Lee suggested.
“I agree-wait, why Kevin? Why would he even want to be in our band? To make fun of us, that’s why,” Jesse replied.
“Maybe he just wants to be our friend. Can’t we just give him a chance?”
“Alright, one chance. That’s all he gets.”
“Good, now we can tell them.”
Lee called the four contenders to the garage. “I have gathered the four of you here today-”
“-Kevin and Steven you’re in and Kyle and Spencer you’re out,” Jesse finished. “Sorry, Lee, you were taking too long.”
“Yes!” the new bandmates shouted in excitement.
The other two contenders went home in disappointment.
“I’ll see you two nerds at the next band practice. I’ve got homework not to do,” Kevin said as he walked away.
Next Saturday, the bandmates met for practice in Jesse’s garage.
Jesse tuned his electric guitar. “So, I signed us up to play at the Jersey City Summer Fair.”
“What we don’t even have a set or one song to play!” Lee replied in shock.
“It’s okay, we have a week to write a few songs.”
“Why are you so calm about this? I’ve never even written a song before.”
Steven raised his hand. “I’ve written a song before. I actually have a few songs here in my songbook.”
“That’s great, let’s hear ‘em,” Jesse said.
“I don’t know, I’ve never let anyone read these.”
“It’s okay, we won’t judge you or your songs.” Lee walked over to Steven and tapped his shoulder in consolation.
“Yes, we will,” Kevin replied.
“Maybe a little,” Jesse said truthfully.
“They’re very personal and most of them are love songs,” Steven said as opened his songbook.
“Ew, gross. Gushy love songs. Got any rock or metal songs?” Kevin asked.
“Let’s hear one of ’em. We’re wasting daylight. The show’s in a week!” Jesse shouted.
“Alright-Our hearts and the stars are aligning tonight…And everything’s gonna go right…
We stand under the moonlight…I can feel your heart beating fast, too…As I hold you tight.”
“And I can add this,” Jesse said as he plugged his guitar into the amp and strummed.
“Your hand in mine…As we travel around this world… Forever intertwined…or at least until the end.”
Kevin began to bang the drumsticks on the drums.
Steven grabbed the microphone and Jesse sang along. Steven listened to Jesse’s harmonic voice.
Lee looked up from his guitar and saw Jesse in his jeans and leather jacket strumming along to the song. Jesse’s long hair flowed from side to side as he moved from the mic to his guitar.
“Our hearts and the stars are aligning tonight…And everything’s going alright…As we stand… under the moonlight…Your heart’s beating so fast…As we dance in sync near the brink
…Of the cliff.”
Lee follows Jesse’s lead with his guitar.
“Before you fall…I catch you in my arms…Our hearts and the stars are in sync tonight…As the music plays…Everything’s going right…Under the moonlight…Our hearts beat faster as the tempo picks up…I can’t keep up…I need a break…From this dance…From this romance.”
“That was a great first song. What was that song called?” Jesse asked Steven.
“Hearts and Stars.”
“What else ya got? Anything not ooey-gooey and lovey-dovey?” Kevin asked.
“What about this one?”
Steven sang a different song that was more upbeat and a little more Rock N’ Roll. A song similar to Elvis or the Beatles, but more akin to modern-day problems.
Steven began to sing, “I’m done with love…Love can have whatever it wants back…It can take our time together back,…The gifts I gave it,…And anything else it wants.”
“Now this is more my style,” Kevin said as he sang along.
“Love is strong,…But I am stronger…I can forgive,…But I’ll never forget.”
Lee strummed and Jesse joined in, ”I’m done with love…And love is done with me…It wants its stuff back…Well, it can have it,…Our time together,…The stuff I borrowed,…And anything else it wants.”
They continued to sing the lyrics, “I don’t want to see or hear about love again…Love was a drug…I couldn’t get enough of…But now I’m clean and rid of.”
Jesse threw off his jacket, which exposed his sweaty armpits and muscular arms. Lee and Steven couldn’t keep their eyes off him, but they had to focus. Kevin just shook his head.
Steven accidentally knocked over his keyboard and everyone stopped playing. “Sorry guys, I’ll just pick this up.”
“C’mon Steven, we’ve got to focus,” Jesse said.
“I know, I know.”
“I’ll bring in a fan. It’s getting hot in here.”
“It sure is,” Lee said.
“What was that?” Jesse said as opened the door to the house.
Lee and Steven furrowed their brows at each other in anger and jealousy.
“I was thinkin’ we should call it a night,” Jesse said as he walked back into the garage.
“Aw, are you sure?” Lee asked.
“Yes, it’s too hot. We can meet back here, say around 3.”
They packed up their gear and returned home.
The next day, it was cooler than the day before. It was 80 degrees instead of 90 degrees. Lee and Steven arrived at 3 pm, while Kevin was twenty minutes late.
“Where is he?” Lee asked.
“I don’t know, but I guess we can start without him,” Jesse replied.
Kevin pulled up in the driveway in his new green convertible and got out of it. “Sorry I’m late guys, I was picking up my new car.”
Lee and Steven walked up to Kevin’s new car.
“Wow, nice shade of green,” Lee said.
“Thanks, I picked it out,” Kevin replied.
“How many miles to the gallon does it get?” Steven asked.
“About 35.”
“Let’s get to practicing!” Jesse shouted from inside the garage.
“Alright, alright. I was just showing them my new ride,” Kevin replied.
“You can show them later.”
The three of them walked into the garage and got in position.
“Let’s start from the beginning of ‘Love and I’. One, two, three, four,” Jesse said.
They played and sang the beginning lyrics of the song “Love and I”.
A few minutes later, they finished singing and playing along.
They practiced a few more of Steven’s songs over the next few hours and called it a day.
Five practices later, it was the day before the fair.
“Alright guys, the fair is tomorrow and we are so ready,” Jesse hyped up his bandmates. “Kevin, you’re still driving us to the fair, right?”
“Yup, I don’t know where you guys are gonna put your equipment. My trunk is small.”
“I’ll ask my mom if we can borrow her minivan–One, two, three, four.”
They practiced for a few hours and slept over at Jesse’s house.
The next day, they practiced in the morning and drove off to the fair in Jesse’s mom’s car. Kevin drove and Jesse sat in the passenger’s seat. Lee and Steven sat in the back.
“Are you guys nervous?” Jesse asked Lee and Steven.
“A little, I’ve never sang in front of a crowd before,” Steven replied.
“I’m nervous too. What if I mess up?” Lee asked.
“Then you keep going,” Jesse responded.
“Turn right at the fork,” the GPS voice said.
About 20 minutes later, they arrived at the Jersey City Summer Fair. They would be on in a few hours, so they thought they should enjoy the fair.
“We’ll meet back here in front of the Ferris Wheel in two and then set up on stage,” Jesse said to his bandmates.
They all agreed.
Lee and Steven walked off together and Kevin and Jesse went in separate directions.
“I’m gonna do it after our set,” Lee said as he pushed Steven’s shoulder jokingly.
“You gonna do what, ask him out? We don’t even know if he’s gay or bi.”
“So, I’ve known Jesse since we were kids. I pick up on things.”
“Yeah, right.”
“I will.”
“What if I ask him right now?” Steven ran off to find Jesse.
“Not if I find him first,” Lee said to himself.
Steven found Jesse at the hotdog stand and Lee was right behind him.
“Hey, Jesse, I have something to ask you,” Steven said.
“Wait, Jesse. I have something to ask you first.” Lee ran up to Jesse, out of breath.
“What is all of this about, guys?” Jesse asked as he took his hotdog from the hotdog vendor.
“I- I mean we have a crush on you. Who are gonna go out with?” Lee quickly spat out.
“Sorry, boys. I’m not into either of you. You’re my friends and bandmates,” Jesse replied after he took a bite of his hotdog.
“What? So, you’re straight?” Lee asked Jesse.
“So, you’re gay?
“But if you were to date either of us, which one of us would you choose?” Lee questioned Jesse.
“Neither, bye guys.” Jesse walked away and threw out the remnants of his hotdog.
Steven followed Jesse and Lee followed Steven.
Over the next few hours, they rode a couple of rides, including the carousel and the merry-go-round.
At two, they met in front of the Ferris Wheel and walked over to the stage. They set up and when three o’clock came around they started.
“Hello, Jersey City. We’re The Hearts and our first song is The Hearts and Stars. “Our hearts and the stars are aligning tonight…And everything’s gonna go right…We stand under the moonlight…I can feel your heart beating fast, too…As I hold you tight.”
The other bandmates joined in and sang along.
They sang and played a few more songs until their time slot was up.
An agent walked up to them backstage. “Hello, I’m Argit Vander, Talent Agent and I wanted to sign you four as a client.”
“Sorry, we’re not interested,” Jesse replied.
“Wait, can we talk about this first?” Lee asked Jesse.
“Excuse us a minute, Mr. Vander.”
“I think we should take it, guys,” Lee insisted.
“I don’t know, what if he’s a hack and won’t get us very far?” Jesse insisted.
“And what if he gets a record deal and we become famous?” Steven chimed in.
“We’ll never know until we try,” Kevin replied.
“So, that’s three against one. Alright, fine. Let’s do it.”
They all turned around.
“Mr. Vander, we’ll take your offer,” Jesse said.
“Great, you’ll just need to sign some paperwork and I’ll start finding you some gigs.”
Jesse shook Mr. Vander’s hand and Mr. Vander gave Jesse his card.