Conner and Andy: Matchmakers Story
Conner and Andy had been a couple for six months now and they’ve been on a bunch of dates. But now they want a change, from private investigations to matchmaking. They were no experts in love, but they thought they’d give it a shot. How hard could it be?
Conner removes the nameplate from the door and replaces it with a new nameplate.
“Conner and Andy’s
Matchmaking Service”
“So, how do we become matchmakers? What do we do first?” Andy asks Conner.
“We have to get our matchmaker licenses,” Conner says.
They take a few classes and take a few tests. And they’re matchmakers. They start small by introducing Conner’s older brother to Andy’s older sister.
Conner invites his big brother, Robert or Bob to a diner and Andy invites his big sister, Amanda to the same diner.
Outside the diner, Andy says, “Get us a table, I forgot my phone in the car.”
Amanda walks inside.
Andy goes into the car and texts Conner for discretion:
My sister just went into the
diner. Are you on your way?
I’m just a few minutes away.
See you soon.
Conner arrives and asks his brother to go in to get a table since he needed to make an important phone call first. He calls Andy:
“My brother just went into the diner.”
“Good, my sister is still waiting for me.”
Robert walks through the restaurant’s vestibule and asks the hostess for a table for two. Then
he sees Amanda and remembers her from a few months ago at Conner’s birthday dinner. They met there and seemed to hit it off, but they thought dating each other would be weird since their brothers are dating.
“What brings you here?” Robert asks as he walks up to Amanda.
Amanda turns around, “Rob? Andy invited me, what brings you here?”
“Conner invited me,” Robert says.
“You don’t think — ” Amanda says.
“They aren’t here,” Robert says.
“Andy’s waiting in the car.”
“Conner’s waiting in the car.”
“You don’t think they set this up to set us up?” Amanda asks.
“Probably, knowing Conner, he’s smart like that.”
“Knowing Andy, he’s dumb like that.” Amanda sits down. “I guess we should talk and eat since that’s what they expect to do.”
“I guess so,” Robert says.
They order their drinks and food, Robert orders a steak, and Amanda orders a salad. The food arrives.
Amanda’s beeper from the hospital goes off and she has to make a quick phone call outside. They need her at the hospital, she’s an on-call nurse.
Robert understands and finishes his steak and pays for both meals.
Conner sees Amanda leave with Andy, the mission failed.
They decide to give up on matchmaking until they get a phone call from a client.
“Conner and Andy’s Pri-I mean Matchmaking Service, this is Conner. How can we help you find a mate?”
“Hi, I saw your ad online and I want to work with you guys,” the female client says.
Conner looks at Andy.
“Sure, but — ”
“I’ll pay big bucks.”
“Sold. Can you meet with us today?”
“Later today at four?
“Works for us.”
“My name is Erica by the way.”
“We look forward to working with you, Erica.” He hangs up the phone.
“We got our first matchmaking client!” Conner shouts.
“I know, but don’t we need a database for her to find a match?” Andy asks.
“Yes, you create it and I’ll make up some questions for her to answer,” Conner replies.
“Wait, we don’t have any other clients.”
“Your the tech whiz, do some research, put out social media ads. We have to do this right.”
Erica enters the office a few hours later and Conner asks her a few dozen questions. She answers them honestly. Then she walks over to Andy’s desk and he gives her a few date options.
She picks one and she calls him later to set up a date with Kevin. They decide on Saturday at 8 pm at the diner.
Conner stakes out the date from his car and with binoculars.
After twenty minutes, they walk out together and Conner follows them to her place.
Into the night, he hears nothing, then he hears a loud low scream.
He runs out of his car and tries to open the apartment building’s front door, it’s locked. He rushes back into his car and calls Andy.
“Andy? I think our client, Erica might have killed her date.”
“What? I’m trying to sleep, call me in the morning.”
Conner returns to his own apartment.
The next morning, once Conner enters the office, he calls their first and only client.
“Erica? How was the first date?”
“It didn’t go well, we weren’t compatible. Maybe we can try again with another man.”
“No! — I mean sorry, all of our other guys are busy.”
She hangs up.
The office closes and Conner tells Andy he has to get some work done, so he’ll be staying for more hours. He waited in the shadows of the hallway.
Hours later Erica walks through the hallways in silence. Conner hears her trying to unlock the office door and he shines a light on her, the flashlight on his phone.
“Ah-ha, I knew you’d try this,” Conner whispers.
“Conner? What are you doing?”
“The question is what are doing here?
“I left my phone in there.”
“Oh really, let me call it.”
Erica’s phone glows in her pocket from Conner’s call.
“I know what you’re doing and I’m calling the police,” Conner says.
“Oh yeah,” Erica says as she pulls out a gun.
“Put that away, you don’t have to do this,” Conner says in fear for his life.
“I don’t? But if I do, it’ll be like all of this never happened,” Erica says as she puts the gun away and then pulls it back out.
“Andy, my partner will know I’m gone.”
“Then I’ll kill him too. This isn’t a very task. I’m gonna keep killing and you can’t stop me,” Erica says, moving in closer to Conner.
“Really?” Conner says as he shows Erica his phone, he’s been recording their conversation. “I’ve got the upper hand now and I’ll give this to the police.”
Conner grabs the gun and “Now I have both, what are going to do now?”
She runs away, but Conner calls the police and they catch her.
The next day, Conner tells Andy about his escapade with Erica.
“Let’s go back investigating, it’s what we are good at,” Conner suggests.
Conner replaces the new sign on the door with the old one.