Good/Bad For Me Flash Story
Joseph, Joe for short, shaved and looked in the mirror as he listened to the song “Good For You” by Selena Gomez. He then combed his hair and brushed his teeth.
Later he sat down at his piano and couldn’t get the song out of his head. He looked up the song’s piano sheet music on his phone. He played the notes and sang the lyrics. He then realized he had no one to look good for, so he took out his song lyrics notebook and changed the lyrics.
Joe stopped playing and went outside for a nightly stroll through the park.
A mugger popped out from behind a street light and said, “Give me your wallet.”
“You know what, no,” Joseph said before he punched the mugger in the face.
He fell to the ground. “You know what, no,” the mugger repeated as he pulled out a gun. “Give me your wallet.” He shot the man in the head, stole his wallet, and ran off.
The next morning, a female jogger found a dead Joe, while on her route through the park. She screamed and called the police. Other park go-ers heard the scream and rushed over to the dead man, dried blood had dripped from his forehead down the side of his head to a pool of blood on the pavement. Cops rushed over and put police tape around the crime scene. They put his body in a body bag and into an ambulance.
They brought the coroner over and one of the officers said, “How and when did he die?”
“A shot to the head, probably by a mugger, between ten pm and midnight,” the coroner said.
“It’s a shame, alright, clean it up,” the officer said to the forensic cleaners.
Over the next few weeks, the police waited in the park in the late-night hours for the criminal to return. They came up empty, so they waited around empty alleys.
After months of searching, they finally found the mugger/ murderer shoplifting in a local electronics store. The police discovered it was none other than Hyde Evert, a repeat offender of theft and now murder.