In Love, Falling Out of the Sky
Author’s note: This story takes place in the same world as “Falling Out of Love, Out of the Sky”, but it takes place from Amy and Jim’s perspective. It follows the same plot line or scenes, but from a different POV.
Asteroids fall and skyscrapers collapse as the world ends.
Three months earlier:
Jim left for work and kissed his girlfriend, Amy goodbye.
“Have a good day at work, I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll try to and I’ll miss you more.”
“No, I’ll miss you more.”
“No, I’ll miss you more–Alright, I’m going to be late. Bye, honey.”
Jim drove to work.
Amy turned on the little television in the kitchen as she eat breakfast.
“Good morning…it’s a perfect 62 degrees and today’s top stories are–” the newswoman said before Amy switched the channel with the remote. She continued to eat her scrambled eggs.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Amy answered it and it was her friend, Janice.
“Are you ready to shop til you drop?” Janice asked.
“Yes, let me just get my purse,” Amy replied.
They walked downstairs and took a cab to Bloomington’s downtown.
They shopped at a few clothing stores and then took a break for lunch.
They ate lunch at a little diner called Munk’s. The sign above the door flicked as they entered the diner. They sat down.
The waitress walked up to their table. “Have you two decided on drinks?”
“Yes, I’ll have an iced tea,” Amy replied.
“And I’ll have an ice water with lemon,” Janice responded.
“Great, I’ll be right back with your drinks.”
“So, how are you and Jim?”
“Good, I guess. We did have a little fight last night though.”
“What happened?”
“Well, I was doing the dishes and Jim handed me his dirty plate. I asked him, ‘I wash and you dry?’”
“How did he respond?”
“He said, ‘I’m exhausted and the football game starts in ten minutes.’”
“He couldn’t take ten minutes and dry the dishes?”
“I guess not.”
“What did you about that?”
“He walked into the bedroom and watched the game, so I rushed in there and turned off the TV. We fought for a few hours about how he never helped clean or do anything around the apartment. He said he was too tired to do anything after work.”
“So, what did you do?”
“I left and got drunk at a nearby bar, but–when I got home, he was all apologetic and said he’d help with the cleaning from now on.”
“How many times has he done that?”
“A few–dozen.”
“You need to drop him like a hot potato.”
“I know, but I love him.”
The waitress returned. “Have you decided on what to eat?”
“Yes, I’ll have the caesar salad,” Amy replied as she closed her menu and set it on the table.
“And I’ll have the chef’s salad,” Janice responded.
“I’ll put those in for you and your food should be out soon.”
“Thank you,” Amy and Janice replied in unison.
“So, you’re still with him?”
“Of course.”
Later, their salads arrived, they ate, and paid the bill.
After lunch, Amy returned home and watered her plants. She unpacked her new clothes from the shopping bags and shoved them into her closest and dresser drawers.
She took a nap and woke up to her phone ringing.
She answered it. “Hello?”
“Hi, honey. I’ll be home in a few minutes. What did you make for dinner?”
“Uh, leftovers.”
“Oh, okay. See you when I get home.”
“Bye, Jim.”
“Bye, honey.”
She hung up and got out of bed. She yawned as she checked her email. She went to the bathroom as Jim walked into the apartment.
“Amy, are you home?”
“Yes, I’m in the bathroom.”
From behind the door, Jim said, “What do we have for leftovers?”
“Leftover spaghetti. It’s in the fridge next to the tub of butter.”
“And watch out for the bowl of soup next to the butter,” Amy said as opened the bathroom door.
Amy heard the glass shatter and soup splatter onto the floor and she walked into the kitchen.
“Don’t worry, I’ll clean it up,” Jim said as he pulled paper towels from the paper towel holder.
“That’s not gonna do it. You need spray and water.”
“Where’s the spray?”
“You’ve been living here for six months and don’t where the spray bottle is?!”
“Sorry, I’ve never had to use it.”
Amy grabbed the handles of the cabinets below the sink and opened them. “It’s right here, I’ll finish up here. Just eat some cereal.”
Amy finished cleaning up the mess. “I’m going back to bed.”
“It’s six o’clock?”
“I was in the middle of a nap before you called.”
“You were napping in the middle of the day?”
“Yes, now goodnight!” she slammed the bedroom door behind her.
From behind the door, Jim shouted, “I’m sorry!”
“Save your sorrys in a sack!”
“What? Unlock the door so we can talk!”
“No, I’m napping.”
“You can’t talk while you’re napping unless you talk in your sleep!”
“Just give me my alone time!”
“But you’ve been alone all day–fine!” He sighed and ate his cereal in the kitchen. He watched Utube on his phone.
He watched Netflicks on his phone for the rest of the night until it died. He then went to bed.
“Jim?” What time is it?” she sat up in bed.
“Ten o’clock.”
“Oh, oh,” she lied back down.
“How much sleep do you need?”
“All of it,” she whispered.
The next day, after Jim returned home from work, Jim asked, “Honey, I’m home! I’ve been thinking about this all day. What haven’t we done in a long time?”
“Go out to a nice restaurant.”
Ken walked into the kitchen and kissed Amy on the cheek. “Whatcha cookin’?”
“Mac ’n’ cheese. What were you saying when you came in?”
“I was saying we should go out to a restaurant this Friday.”
“Oh, I don’t know.”
“Do you have plans that day?”
“No, it’s just that we’ve hit a rough patch in our relationship and I don’t want to fight at a restaurant.”
“Come on, we need a night out to relax and to get to know each other a little better.”
“Fine, but I’m gonna complain the whole time.”
“Fair enough.”
Before Jim came home from work, Amy pulled her blue dress up and over her body. She did her makeup and her phone rang in the bedroom. She rushed over there and answered it.
“Hey, honey. Are you ready for our date?”
“Almost, I just need to finish getting dressed and doing my makeup.”
“Okay, hurry up. I’ll be home in a few minutes.”
“Don’t tell me to hurry up. I will take as long as I want, as long as I need.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll wait.”
“Where are you taking me anyway?”
“You’ll see.”
Ten to fifteen minutes later, Jim opened the door. “Amy? I just have to take a shower, change, and I’ll be ready.”
“I thought you’d be ready before me,” Amy said as she walked out of the bathroom.
“Wow, you look–”
“Stunning, amazing, incredible. I know. Hurry up and let’s go.”
“Hey, don’t tell me to hurry up. I will take as long as I need,” Jim said sarcastically.
Amy chuckled.
A half-hour later, Jim finished combing his brunet locks and put gel in them.
“Are you ready, Jim?” Amy asked as she stood in the bathroom doorway.
“I just need to-and ready.”
They walked out of the apartment and Jim locked the front door.
Jim drove Amy to the restaurant.
Once they arrived, “You got inside and tell them you have a reservation for two. I’m gonna find a parking spot,” Jim informed Amy.
“Alright,” Amy replied as she got out of the car. She looked up and saw the streetlight flicker.
She walked inside.
“Welcome to The Restaurant, do you have a reservation?” the host asked.
“Yes, table for two under the name, Hanigan,” Amy replied.
“Right this way, Mrs. Hanigan.”
“Hey, we’re not married.”
“Sorry about that. I just assumed–”
“That we’re married–you better give us the best table in the restaurant.”
“Here’s a table near the window.”
“Thank you.” Amy sat at the table.
“Your waitress will be with you shortly,” the host said as he set the menus on the table.
“Thanks again.”
Amy looked around and saw Jim walking up to the table. She waved at him so he could find her.
He walked up to the table. “How did you get this table?”
“The host called me Ms. Hanigan so he felt bad and gave us a nice table.”
“Great.” Jim sat down.
They opened their menus and the lights above flickered.
The waitress walked up to their table. “Sorry about that, faulty wiring. What would you two like to drink?
“I’ll have a raspberry iced tea.”
“And I’ll have–what do you have on tap?”
“We have Hennessy, Ruff, and Carina on tap.”
“I’ll take a Hennessy.”
“Alright, I’ll be right back with your drinks.”
The waitress returned with their drinks and she set the other drinks on the next table as well.
“Already starting to drink, I see.”
“Hey, I need to relax. I’m stressed.”
“Stressed from what? Your job as an assistant manager at a steel mill.”
“Hey, supervising is a difficult job. I have a lot of people under me that I have to watch.”
“Are you two ready to order?” the waitress asked.
“Yes, sorry about that. I’ll have the Greek salad,” Amy replied.
“And I’ll have the t-bone steak,” Jim responded.
“I’ll put those in and your food should be out soon.”
“Thank you,” Amy replied.
Amy looked around the restaurant as she waited for the food to arrive. She saw a man enter the restaurant dressed in all red, a red suit jacket, red pants, and a red hat with a red feather in it. Her eyes widened.
“What’s wrong?” Jim asked.
“I just saw the strangest thing. A man dressed in all red just walked in. Why is he in all red?”
“Maybe he’s got a hot date and his date’s favorite color is red.”
Amy laughed.
The food arrived and the waitress said, “And if you need anything else, just call me over.”
“Okay, thank you,” Amy replied. “So, how’s work?”
“Oh, now you’re interested,” Jim replied sarcastically.
“Yes, I am.”
“Alright, it’s been busy and there will be some layoffs. They want me to tell the workers they are laid off.”
“Too bad, when do they want you to do it?”
“This coming Monday.”
“I’m sorry, that must be tough for you.”
“It is, I’ve had to lay off anyone before.”
“What are going to do? Your managers are making you do it. Have you tried asking them if they could do or if they could get someone else?”
“I haven’t, but I’m too anxious to do it.”
“You have to. Do you want to lay your workers off?”
“No, then build up the courage and find out when your boss is available to talk.”
“Alright, I will,” Jim said with new gained excitement and confidence.
They finished eating and split the bill.
A week later, Jim decided to go to the gym after work and Amy wanted to surprise him by showing up. She wanted to workout too.
Amy walked into the gym and past Jim on the lat pulldown machine.
“Amy?” Jim said as he followed her to the treadmills.
Amy jumped onto the treadmill and put in her earphones. Her eyes widened and she pulled out her earphones.
“Jim, what are you doing here?” she asked sarcastically.
“What do you mean? I told you I was going to the gym after work.” Jim shook his head.
Amy smiled, stopped the machine, and hopped off. She walked over to him. “I wanted to surprise you at the gym, maybe workout with you?”
“No, thanks. I like to workout alone.”
“Fine, I’ll be on the treadmill if you need me.”
“C’mon, don’t be mad at me!”
“I’m not, I like to workout alone too!”
Amy walked over to treadmills and hopped on one. She got into a groove, but she accidentally spilled her water on the button of the machine and it stopped. She was thrown back onto the floor.
Jim rushed over to her aid. “Amy? Amy, can you hear me?” He held her in his arms.
She came to and shouted, “It’s the end of the world!”
“It’s the end of my world. Are you alright?”
“I think so,” she said. She touched the back of her and brought her hand back in front of her. “Oh, I’m bleeding.” She passed out again.
Amy woke up in the hospital the next day.
“What happened? Where am I?” Amy asked.
“You had a little accident. You hit your hit and now you’re in the hospital,” the nurse replied as she checked Amy’s vitals.
“I did? I don’t remember that happening,” Amy replied.
“Well, it did. The doctor will be in soon to explain everything. In the meantime, would you like me to turn on the TV while you wait?”
“Sure.” Amy held the back of her head and felt the wrapped bandages.
The nurse turned on the TV before she walked out of the room.
Jim rushed into her room. “Amy! How are you feeling?”
“Yes, it’s me. I’m here for you.”
“Good, I’m feeling a little better.”
“That’s good, progress is good.”
They were interrupted by a newswoman on the TV announcing, “Three weeks from now an asteroid will pass by the earth, so be on the lookout.”
“So, how’s the food here?” Jim asked Amy.
“I haven’t had it yet. I just woke up.”
“Oh, oh. Do you remember what happened to you?”
“No, can you explain it all?”
“Sure, well, you wanted to surprise me at the gym and I told you I wanted to workout alone. You went back to the treadmills and about twenty minutes later, you fell onto the floor. You were conscious for a few minutes, but then you passed out again. I called 9–1–1 and they brought you to the hospital.”
“Wow, that would explain this.” She pointed to the bandages wrapped around her head.
The doctor walked in.
“Doctor, how long will it take for her head to heal?”
The doctor looked up from Amy’s chart. “Oh, are you Amy’s husband?”
“No, I’m her boyfriend,” Jim corrected the doctor.
“Oh, well, she should be all healed in about three weeks.”
“That’s good.”
“Visiting hours will be over in a few minutes,” the doctor said.
“Okay, can I wait in the waiting room?”
“Of course.”
“Bye, Amy. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jim said as he left the room.
“Now you get some rest, you need it after your fall. Do you need any more pillows?” the doctor asked.
“No, I’m good,” Amy replied as she lay down.
The doctor closed the curtain and left her rest.
Three weeks later, Amy was discharged from the hospital and Amy and Jim returned home.
As they walked into the apartment building, clouds formed overhead.
“Looks like a storming coming in,” Jim said as the wind blew the scarf off his neck.
They walked inside and upstairs. Jim unlocked the door to their apartment.
They heard a loud boom and Amy turned on the TV. “We’re counting down to the asteroid’s arrival. Hug your loved ones and be ready, for the end of the world!” the newswoman announced.
Amy and Jim sat on the couch as the asteroid got closer and closer. They hugged each other as they counted down. “Three, two, one!”
The asteroid plummeted to the ground and more asteroids were to follow.
Jim and Amy’s building collapsed.
Amy opened her eyes and pulled off the rubble on her body. The smoke cleared. “Jim, where are you? Jim!?”
“I’m over here!” Jim shouted from a few feet away under a couple of bricks.
Amy rushed over to help him. “It’s okay, honey. You’re going to be okay.”
“I love you!”
They breathed in the smoke from the fires, passed out, and died.
Maybe the world wasn’t ready for love. Would Jim have reciprocated his love for Amy? We’ll never know.