Intergalactic Part 1
Devra steered the spaceship around the asteroids until one hit them.
“Engine damaged,” a female voice said, along with the beeping.
“I’m gonna go repair the engine!” Cazwell shouted.
“I’ll keep steering the ship!” Devra replied. “And–he’s gone.”
Devra steered the ship around the asteroids and blast the ones she couldn’t avoid with lasers.
A few minutes later, Devra began to worry about Caz.
Once she got them out of the asteroid belt, she set the ship to autopilot and walked to the back of the ship.
It had been about 30 minutes to an hour since Caz had rushed to the engine room.
She first checked his quarters and found nothing but his clothes and keepsakes. She checked the engine room next. She knocked on the door and it slid open. “Caz, are finished working on the engine?”
Caz floated in the air as the engine absorbed his magical energy. He screamed in pain.
“Caz, what are you doing?!”
“The engine ran out of power so I’m giving it mine!”
“No, that’s not gonna work. You can only give your magic to living beings!”
“It’s too late.”
The engine cracked and liquid poured out of it. Devra rushed out of the engine room and to the escape pods. She got in and the engine and ship exploded.
She pressed her face against the glass and looked for signs of Caz. She found nothing but blobs of his magical essence floating around in space.
She had to keep up his legacy.
She later landed on the planet Earth. It looked different since the oceans were wider and the land was smaller but still liveable.
She touched ground near the Galacticons’ earth headquarters. She told her leader, Mr. Magister, what happened. That she tried to stop her partner, but it was too late. Mr. Magister knew she had to move on and she had a hard last mission, so he gave her a simple mission to rescue the princess of Arcnaic trapped on Pluto. He gave Devra a new ship.
She flew through the earth’s atmosphere, past Mars, and around the asteroids in the asteroid belt. She blasted all of them, instead of dodging them.
She finally made it past the gas giant planets and reached Pluto. Pluto was too small to harbor life, so the Galacticons made it a market planet. The planet had small outdoor shops that sold things from spaceship machinery to food from other galaxies. But underneath the surface was a different kind of market, the black market, which sold illegal drugs and any type of technology one can imagine.
Devra read the report on the holographic projection from her Vox watch and it said the princess was underground. How am I going to get underground? I could dig or I could get someone to bring me there to the secret entrance.
She walked up to a stand with black curtains. “I need a ship part–”
“I don’t sell ship parts, only food, but my vendor across the way sells ship parts,” replied the seller.
“No, I need ship parts that are hard to find, hard to buy in normal markets,” she whispered.
“Oh, I can’t help you.”
She showed the seller her Galacticon badge, a blue planet behind a ringed red planet.
“I can’t help you, but ask my friend, Jubjub.” The seller pointed his shaking finger across the way.
“Alright, thank you.”
Devra walked across the pavement and pulled back the white curtains of the other stand. “Hello? Jubjub? I need some ship parts. Your friend referred me–”
“What do you need, engines, warp drives–”
Engines? No, I need to stay focused on the task at hand.
“No, I’m looking for a time travel device that I haven’t been able to find. I’ve asked everyone in 3 galaxies and got nothing. They either turn me away or never call back.”
“I think I can help. Follow me.”
Devra followed him out back and he ripped the rug off the floor. He blew the dirt and dust off the ground and pushed his hand on the floor.
“Access granted. Welcome back, Jubjub Shacure,” a female voice said.
Devra climbed the ladder underground to the black market, which was similar to the normal market, but it was lit up by streetlights and sold illegal things.
“I have a guy down here that may be able to help you.”
They walked deeper and deeper into the black market and Jubjub finally stopped.
An alien parted the curtains and walked out of the stand.
Jubjub and his friend did their handshake.
“Who is this? Why did you bring her here? This place is forbidden to outsiders.”
“Jari, she’s trustworthy. She’s looking for a hard-to-find time travel device.”
“What’s it called?”
“The time revealer, it shows what happened in the past in the room you are in,” Devra explained.
“I’ve never heard of it. Are you a cop?”
Should I show them my badge? I didn’t come here for the device. I came here to rescue the princess.
Devra revealed her badge. “Galacticons, sector 12. I won’t turn you or this whole place in if you tell me where Princess Ardae is.”
“I don’t know anything.” Javi held up his in the air.
“Jubjub, where’s the princess?”
Jubjub ran off, but Devra used her freeze ray on him.
“I’ll un-freeze your friend if you tell me where the princess is!”
“I don’t know anything!”
Other black market vendors rushed out of their stands with guns. Devra froze every one of them.
Suddenly, a muscular alien rushed by holding the princess. “Let me go!”
Devra followed the alien and caught up with him. She grabbed the princess.
“No, let go of me!”
“It’s okay, I’m from the Galacticons. I’m here to save you,” Devra whispered to the princess.
“Oh-leave me alone. I just want to go home!”
Devra shook her head, knowing she’s was just playing along.
Her captor rushed back toward them and Devra shocked him with her ray gun. Devra and the princess ran back to her ship above ground.
The captor got up and Devra shocked him a few more times.
They climbed the ladder and ran through the normal market. They made it to the ship and Devra brought the princess back to her home planet.