Intergalactic: Part Nine
A year later, Devra and Aster returned to Magic City. Mimicry had escaped the prison moon orbiting Magic World.
“We meet again, Devra, and I see you brought your sidekick,” Mimicry said.
“I’m her partner,” Aster replied.
“I heard you escaped from prison, again. It’s time to send you back, “Devra responded.
“I’m not going back!” Mimicry turned around and ran off. He transformed into a police officer and blended in with the officers chasing him.
“Where’d he go?” one cop asked.
The mimicked cop jumped into the police car and flew off. The other cops followed him.
Devra used her tracker and followed him on her hoverbike. Aster followed Devra on his hoverbike.
They flew over the city and to the city limits. The other cops blasted at the rogue cop car, but he couldn’t be stopped.
Devra pulled out the heavy artillery, her tractor beam bazooka. She stopped the cop car in its tracks and threw it to the ground.
Mimicry jumped out of the car as it fell and leaped onto another cop car below. He knocked out and threw out the cop.
I have to get Mimicry, but how?
The stolen cop turned vertically to swerve around traffic. Devra shot at the car’s undercarriage and missed.
They entered Wizard City and the WCP joined the chase. “You are entering a public traffic zone. Please slow down!”
Aster set his hoverbike to autopilot, pulled out his hoverboard, and got as close to the stolen cop as he possibly could. He jumped onto the cop car.
“Hey, get off!” Mimicry shouted.
Aster jumped through the passenger’s side open window. Mimicry turned into a liquid and slipped out of the car.
Aster took control of the wheel and landed the car.
Devra shot Mimicry with her solidifier ray before he could turn into another person. He solidified into ice, his body fell over and shattered into a thousand pieces.