Intergalactic: Part Seven
A few weeks later, Devra got a call on her Vax, while patrolling around the galaxy.
“Who is it?” Aster asked.
“Who do you think it is?” Devra asked back. She answered the call and the holographic 3-D head of Mr. Majester appeared from her Vax.
“Devra and Aster, I need you to return to Magic World. There’s a new villain in Magic City.”
“What are their powers?” Aster asked Mr. Majester excitedly.
“He has ice and fire powers.”
“Great, we’ve set a course for Magic World. Bye, Mr. Majester.” Devra ended the call.
“What was that?”
“You hung up on Mr. Majester.”
“I’m just sick of these missions.”
“I thought you loved Magic World.”
“I don’t love that planet. I have memories there.”
They warped to Magic World.
“We’re here. Just let me do my thing,” Devra said as she held up her hand.
Devra landed the ship on top of a building in Magic City and they got off it.
Devra spotted the elemental and chased after him on her hoverboard. Aster followed.
She pulled on a glove and supercharged her power ray, which amplified her temporary ability to absorb powers and made it easier to shoot the villain.
She shot the elemental and a green orb moved toward her faster than light. Her body absorbed it. She froze the villain and he melted his way out.
Devra used her tractor beam ray to pull a light bulb out of a hovering streetlight and threw it at the elemental. She burned him and then froze him.
The elemental melted his way out yet again and the glass bulb shattered on impact. A glass shard got in his eye. He covered his eye in pain and collapsed onto the ground.
The police arrested the elemental.
One of the cops shoved the elemental in the cop car and said, “Thanks again. We’ll get one of our paramedics to get the glass piece out.”
“Good,” Aster replied.
Devra walked away and looked up at the street sign, “Wand Way”. “This was where we fought our first villain, Dr. Amino.”
“You and Caz?”
“Yeah, it was eight years.” Devra sat on the street curb. “Dr. Amino could break down objects into their chemical components. We were fighting him at the intersection of Wand Way and Magic Monti.”
Aster sat down and listened.
“I zapped Dr. Amino with my knockout ray, while Caz absorbed his powers. I zapped Amino again to wake him up. Caz blasted Amino and turned him into hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, and blood. The liquids drained into the sewer and the gases dissolved into the air.”
“Did you and Caz ever come back here after that?”
“A few more times, but those are stories for another time.”
Devra got up and walked back up to the ship. Aster followed.