Intergalactic: Part Three
Devra and Aster were on patrol for speeders in space when they got a weak distress call from a far away galaxy.
“Help…we need…Our king can’t…”
“We lost the signal.” Aster turned down the volume.
“Can you track the call?” Devra asked Aster.
“I’ll try.” Aster turned some knobs and typed. “Got it. The signal seems to be coming from the Magic System. I’ve never heard of that solar system.”
“I have.”
“Have you been there?”
“Yes, that’s where I met Caz.”
Devra steered the ship toward the Magic System and activated the warp drive.
A few minutes later, they got out of warp and flew past Evil World, the anarchy planet.
“Here it is.” Devra stopped the ship in front of Magic World, a planet with big star-shaped land pieces. She started the thrusters, which pushed the ship through the planet’s atmosphere.
They landed and walked off the jet bridge or spaceship bridge onto the ground.
“Stop, this is the Magic City Police!” a cop shouted into a megaphone from his flying car as it flew them.
A hovering streetlamp transformed into a bird. The bird flew up to the ledge of a tall skyscraper, perched on it, and shapeshifted into a gargoyle.
“Come down with your hands, claws, paws, or whatever up or we’ll be forced to shoot!” the officer shouted into the megaphone from the ground.
“What’s happening, officer?” Devra asked. She revealed her badge.
“Well, the Shapeshifter robbed the Magic City Bank and we’re trying to get him to tell us where he hid the money.”
“Hmm, let me try something.” She pulled out a collapsed hoverboard from her back pocket. She threw it into the air and jumped on it. The remnants of Caz’s magical essence she stored in her body she blasted at the gargoyle, but she missed.
The gargoyle jumped up, transmuted into a hang, and glided across town.
Devra followed it to the edge of the continent, near the sea.
Aster was quickly behind her on another hoverboard. “What was that energy that you blasted from your hand?”
“I’ll tell you later!” She closed one eye and aimed for the hang glider. The hoverboard beeped. “Oh, no, I better give this one last try.” She blasted the glider before she fell and a ball of energy came back to her. She shapeshifted her arms into pterodactyl wings and shot at the shapeshifter with her stun gun.
He was stunned back into his original form, a man in a blue bodysuit.
He fell and almost landed in the water, but Devra caught him and flew him to the Magic City Police Station.
“We’ve got your thief right here,” Devra said as she pushed the handcuffed shapeshifter toward the police officers standing in the waiting room.
“Thanks, how’d you catch him?” one police officer asked Devra.
“I used my stun gun. You might wanna get one of these.” She showed him her stun gun, a simple blaster ray gun with a few settings on it.
“And did you find out where the money is?” another cop asked.
“You might wanna check the Wizard Waters, outside Wizard City.”
“Thanks for the tip,” the second cop replied.
Devra and Aster walked out of the police station.
“So, that’s it? The mission’s over? Are we going back to the base?” Aster asked.
“No, this is the city where I met Caz. I was a cadet back then and I was a recruiter for the Galaticons stationed in Magic City.”
On their way back to the ship, they walked past Magic City High School.
“I met him in here. It was ten years ago at a College Fair in the auditorium.” Devra sat on the steps of the high school and continued to tell him the story as she remembered.
It was 3012, in the Magic City High School Auditorium. The room was filled with prospective students, who were thinking about which college to go to.
“Have you picked a college yet? Join the Galacticons!” Devra shouted to nearby students.
Martin Cazwell, a dark-haired young man, walked toward the Galacticon’s table.
“I’ve got this,” Devra pushed her friend, Adria, another cadet away.
“Hey, have you picked a college yet?” Devra asked the young man.
“Not yet, I was thinking Mars U or Magic City University, but I can’t decide.”
“Oh, you should add joining the Galacticons into the mix.”
“Really? Aren’t you guys like space cops?”
“Sort of, we save planets from alien invasions and war.”
“Do you have any talents or skills you could add to the team?”
“I’m not a wizard if that’s what you’re asking. I’m a power imprinter. I can take other people’s powers and use them for myself or give my power to other people so they can absorb powers, too.”
“I’ve heard about your kind. What are you doing on Magic World?”
“My family and I moved here a few months ago. They thought I could go to school here for a year and then go to college here.”
“Awesome, well here’s a pamphlet. Think about it and give us a call if you want to sign up. Our academy has open enrollment for the spring and summer.”
“I will, thank you.”
He’s cute. I hope he joins so I can get to know him better.
“Did you ever ask him out?” Aster asked Devra.
“No, he did join the Galacticons Academy and we took some of the same classes. But-”
“But what?”
“It just never happened and I was afraid we’d be breaking the rules if we dated.”
“Did he like you like that?”
“I don’t know, we were partners and friends, and that was it.” Devra stood up from the steps.
“Did you see him again before he joined the academy?”
“I did, I saw him at this corner store a few weeks later.”
Aster walked into the store and Devra followed. Another young man ran the counter. Aster picked out a few snacks and a drink for the road and paid for them. Devra didn’t want anything, she wasn’t hungry.
They walked out of the store, Aster with a grocery bag in hand and Devra, with only memories.
Devra beeped the ship unlocked with her key fob and the bridge pulled out. They got onto the ship and Devra started it.
Aster dug into his snacks and twisted the cap off of his soda. “So, what happened in the corner store?”
“Nothing much, we talked. I asked him if he picked a college and he said he decided to join the Galacticons.”
“What were you doing on Magic World?”
Devra steered the ship up and out of the planet’s atmosphere. “Honestly, I wanted to visit him. We had been in touch since we first met.”
Aster shook his head in denial. “What! He gave you his number?”
“No, I gave him mine, so we could stay friends.”
“Oh, okay,” Aster replied with sarcasm.
Devra flew the ship back to earth.