Intergalactic: Part Two
A few days later, while on the Galacticons’ moon base, Devra met a young man named Aster.
“Hi, I’m Aster and I’m your new partner.” He jutted out his hand for a handshake.
“I’m Devra-I don’t need a new partner. I just lost my old partner a few days ago.”
She immediately called Mr. Majester on her Vax watch.
“What’s wrong, Devra? I’m very busy.”
“Sorry to bother you, sir, but this young man–what was your name again?”
“Aster said he’s my new partner. Did you assign me a new partner?”
“Oh, yes. I thought he’d help you get over your old partner.”
“But, sir. I don’t need a new partner. I’m fine on my own.”
“No buts, plus you’ll need someone to stay in the ship for your next mission. I need you two to capture the remainder of Caz’s magical essence floating in space. I don’t want it to get in the wrong hands.”
“Fine, but I’m going to complain the entire time,” she mumbled.
“What was that, Devra?”
“Nothing, sir. I will get into space right now, Mr. Majester.”
“Thank you, Devra, and good luck Aster.”
“Thanks, sir.”
“What should we do with the capsules?”
“Bring them back to the earth base and we’ll keep them in storage.”
Devra swiped in the air to end the call and walked back to her ship in the loading bay.
She steered the ship around the asteroids in the asteroid belt and past the gas giant planets. She zapped the asteroids in the Kuiper Belt with the ship’s lasers until she found the blue globs of Caz’s magical essence floating around.
“I can capture the blobs if you want. It might be too hard for you to handle since it’s your dead partner and all.”
“No, it’s fine. I’ll capture them and you stay in the ship.” Devra said in a squeaky voice of doubt and fear.
“Alright, I’ll be watching if anything happens.”
Devra walked to the airlock and put on her spacesuit.
She put the capsules into the backpack attached to the suit.
She was released into space and she used the jetpack to launch herself toward the blobs. She captured each blob and put them back in the backpack.
Suddenly, as she held the last capsule the glass cracked.
“Dev-are you alright? I was checking the fuel levels when-”
Caz only called me Dev.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’ll be right in.”
The blob shook and jolted up and down in the tube. The blob twirled around until it escaped. It bolted into Devra.
She felt this new power inside her and went back into the ship.
An hour later, they returned to the earth base and put the capsules in storage.
I know this won’t last long, so I better use it, fast.