Jasmin and the Lightning Parts 1–5
Jasmin And the Lightning (Pt. 1)
Jasmin, a teenager in a red skirt and blue t-shirt, sat at her desk at school and contemplated in thought. I hate my life, I should text my friends.
The teacher pointed at the whiteboard and began to speak, “Today, we’re learning more about commas since some of you don’t know how to use them.”
The students all said, “Aww!” as they were displeased by the teacher.
Ms. Abel, their teacher, said, “Come on it’s not that hard. Let us begin.”
She points at the board and explains how to use commas.
Jasmin focuses, and can’t help but look outside, a thunderstorm starts. Lightning struck the school and the power went out.
Jasmine and the students pulled out their phones and set them to flashlight mode.
“Okay class, the lights should come on in a few minutes. Please stay seated.”
The students agreed and listened to Ms. Abel in the dark.
“Okay, since we can’t use the projector, we’ll use flashcards,” Ms. Abel announced.
The class disagreed and shook their heads.
The power came back on minutes later and it was lunchtime.
They returned to their classroom after lunch.
The school day ended and they all returned home. Everything returned to normal for now. It started to rain again and she ran back to her house on 15 Maple St.
She made it home, but the door was locked. Her mother was at work, so she rushed back to school. What am doing? Why do I have to walk back to school in the rain? She thought.
She called her mother and she picked up.
“Hello?” Jasmine asked.
“What’s up, honey?”Her mother asked back.
“I’m stuck in the rain.”
“I’ll be right over.”
Twenty minutes later, Jasmine waited in the rain for her mother and held her backpack. She awaited her mother’s arrival and jumped in the car when she arrived. Her mother drove her home.
It took twenty more minutes to get home, but they stopped for food on the way over from the grocery store.
Lightning struck Jasmin and her mother as she followed her back to her red car. It was over for Jasmine and her mother as they died on impact.
Jasmin and the Lightning-Pt. 2
A winter day, filled with snow and rain. She did not refrain from jumping in.
It was another day for Jasmine until lightning struck her two-story blue house and it all collapsed onto the ground. The lightning was magical and gave her superpowers. A magical ability that only she had, no one else did.
No one else knew about her power until she told her mother. She was in the house.
“Mom, look at me!” Jasmin shouted.
“What happened?” Her mother replied.
“I’m covered in snow and I got powers,” Jasmin said.
Her mother replied, “What? I don’t believe you.”
Jasmin jumped in the air and blasted her magical fingers up to the ceiling. Her mother was the only one who noticed. Her powers blasted through the roof and shot the moon, which in turn, changed to a grassy moon.
She teleported herself and her mother to the Earth’s moon.
Her mother was in shock, “What did you do? How did we get here?”
“I transported us here with my magic.”
She teleported them back in a flash to Earth in their city called Amcross. The city was filled with lush green forests and tall skyscrapers and houses.
A few weeks later, they found a new red-bricked home on the outskirts of town. She entered and her mother followed, but they found a squatter inside. They kicked him out and pushed him to the curb.
“Sorry sir,” Jasmin said.
The scraggly man was upset but he left the house.
She put her stuff down in her room and her mother helped as best as she could. She set her books and other trinkets on the shelves of the bookcase. The books stayed in place, but they fell over from a Californian earthquake.
The floor pulled away and she was sucked in. She teleported with her mother, who also
fell in the hole. She teleported to another city called Plainrose. It was filled with gardens of delight and it covered the skyscrapers from bottom to top. They walked through it, but it was deserted and without people. No life existed.
Jasmin and the Lightning-Pt. 3
Jasmin ran up to her mother and said, “Let’s live here.”
“But nobody’s around.”
“That’s a good thing.”
Jasmin followed her mother around the city. Monsters popped up, but she and her mother avoided them. She ran with her mother until she found a long road crossed by an ancient castle.
Jasmin and her mother lived there for a few days until a monster took their castle.
The love between a daughter and mother was all they had, so they trekked on until they found a weary old shack. A shack with no one in it. The daughter and mother lived there for a few months as the world ended.
Years later, she teleported her mother to Mars as the planet Earth had collapsed in on itself. She and her mother lived there until the sun exploded and she made them immortal.
Eventually, they had to leave the galaxy and live in a magical futuristic planet.
“Mom, let’s stay here.”
“Okay, darling, but only until it explodes again.”
Jasmin and the Lightning-Pt. 4
She and her mother lived in that dimension for millennia and stayed there with hopes of finding a new dimension soon. That dimension ripped apart in the end and it tore apart the fabric of the universe. She and her mother teleported once more until she found a new dimension in the multiverse.
The multiverse reattached itself with the help of the Jasmin.
Jasmin created a magical sewing needle to sew the universe back together.
Jasmin and her mother lived in this new universe for the rest of their immortal lives until another wizard cast a spell on them and killed them. Jasmin tried to fight back, but she wasn’t strong enough. Jasmine and her mother did not survive.
The universe was saved thanks to Jasmin.
Jasmin and the Lightning-Pt. 5-Story
The new planet called Magic World consisted of wizards and she made her mother a wizard. She wanted her mother to blend in with the other wizards and magicians.
They lived there until the wizards and magicians eventually left their planet and it imploded.
She and her mother had to move to another planet called Wizard World, a new planet full of wizards. She stayed there for millennia and millennia but left soon after all those years.”
“Here we go again,” Jasmin said.
“Where?” her mother asked.
“To another planet, one more time,” she replied.
“Which one?” They are all gone.”
Jasmin teleported them to a parallel universe and they lived there in peace and harmony.