Like a Deer in the Headlights
Riley drove her boyfriend, Noah and her friend, Oliver to the movies.
On the highway, they were talking.
From the backseat, Oliver said, “Country music? I hate country.”
“Well, too bad. It’s a long drive to the movie theatre,” Riley replied.
“I do like Shania Twain, but her music is more country pop, more country.”
“I haven’t heard of any songs,” Noah said.
“You haven’t? I can text you a list of a few of her songs.”
“Please don’t.”
“Too late, it’s sent.”
Suddenly, a deer ran into the road and they hit it since Riley wasn’t fully paying attention. She was listening to the radio.
Everyone wore their seatbelts, except Oliver. The passenger’s airbag popped out and knocked out Noah. Oliver bashed his head into the seat in front of him, Riley’s seat.
Riley, the only conscious one called 9–1–1 and an ambulance arrived immediately after.
The paramedics drove into the breakdown lane and one of them walked out.
They walked past the accident and saw the dead deer on the road and the damage to the car. They nodded their head.
“Hello? Is someone there?” We’re stuck!” Riley shouted from inside the car.
“Yes, we’re here to help and get you out!” the paramedic shouted back.
The male paramedic pulled out the hydraulic extrication equipment or the jaws of life.
The male and female paramedics lifted Noah and Oliver out of the car and into the ambulance.
Riley stepped into the ambulance and they drove to the hospital. The wreckage of their car was towed away.
They parked in front of the emergency room entrance and pulled them in on the gurneys.
“We’ve got two males that were in a car accident with a deer. Riley here is the only one conscious,” the female paramedic said to the receptionist.
“Will they be alright?” Riley asked and she was taken to be treated for her head wounds.
“They’ll be fine,” the receptionist replied.
Days passed and Riley visited Noah and Oliver in their room. They were awake and talked to each other.
“Noah, how are you feeling?”
“What am I chopped liver?” Oliver
“And Oliver, how are you doing?”
“I’m fine, thanks for asking.”
“It had a concussion, but I think I slept it off,” Noah replied.
“You shouldn’t sleep with a concussion,” Riley advised.
The nurse walked in. “That’s not correct. You can sleep when you have a concussion as long you don’t have severe or obvious concussion symptoms.”
“Huh, I didn’t know that,” Riley responded.“So, do you how long they’ll be here?”
“From the looks of it and according to their charts, Noah will be here a few months with a fractured skull and Oliver has a fractured skull and few broken ribs, so he’ll be here a few months too.”
“And I’ll visit you every day,” Riley said as held her boyfriend’s chin and gazed into his eyes.
“Thanks-” replied Oliver from behind the curtain.
“-Honey,” responded Noah.
“Sorry, Oliver. I have work and I’m visiting Noah until he’s discharged.”
“Sorry, buddy,” Noah consoled.
They all turned their heads toward the television. “Bobby Jones was reported missing a few days ago. He was running around the Evert high school gymnasium with his basketball team until he ran into the woods,” the newswoman reported.
“I hope they find him,” the nurse said as she looked away from the TV and back at the water bag to check its levels.
“Me too, I feel bad for his mother. I’m sure she’s distressed and wondering where her son is,” Riley expressed.
“I wonder where he is?” Noah asked.
“In the woods, obviously,” Oliver replied.
“Hey, you never know, someone could have kidnapped him,” Noah said.
“We don’t know that,” Oliver replied.
“How are you doing, Riley?” Noah asked.
“I’m alright, they checked me for internal bleeding and found nothing. I had a slight concussion, but I think it went away.”
“That’s good. Do you know when they’re discharging you?”
“Probably in a few days.”
Riley left the room and returned to her own room on the floor below them.
A few days later, Riley was discharged and returned home. She lived with her boyfriend, so she was alone for now.
She called her work and told them she would be returning in a few days. They told her to take all the time she needs to recover.
She went back to work the next week. She was an assistant manager at the local supermarket,
Basket Market.
She clocked in for her 12 pm shift and walked through the Checkout. She was greeted by the other assistant manager and the Front End Manager, Alana.
“Riley, you’re back. How are feeling?” Alana asked.
“Better,” Riley replied.
“Are you ready to work?”
“I guess.”
“Are you ready to take over the changeover?” Alana handed her the clipboard.”
“I think so,” Riley replied.
“Good, here you go and good luck.”
“Hello–everyone. The topic of the day is to count the customer’s change back to them. After they hand you the money, put it in your drawer, and count back the bills.”
The cashiers nodded their heads.
“Billy, bag on register 13 and Mandy ring on register 10.”
Riley rushed over from the till to the register (if the cashier needed help) and back to the till.
At around 5 pm, Ean came in to help her with the changeover. He saw Riley ringing on register 9.
She heard Ean telling the cashiers and baggers which to go to and he took over ringing for her. She needed to take her lunch. Alana would run the Checkout for now.
She clocked out for her thirty-minute lunch. She picked out a cheap slice of pizza and paid for it in the cafe of the Market’s Kitchen. She rushed around the customers and through aisle twelve until she made it to the break room upstairs.
5:30 pm came around and she rushed back up-front. She clocked back in and returned to the Checkout.
“How was your lunch?” Alana asked.
“Good,” Riley replied.
“Can you bag on register 8? Sam needs to go to lunch?”
“Sure.” Riley sighed. She walked over to register 8. “I can bag for you, Sam.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Sam, take your lunch,” Alana said.
The night went on and Riley rang, bagged, rang, and bagged some more.
A customer asked her, “I haven’t seen you in a while. Where have you been? Were you on vacation?”
“No, I–” Riley stared into space and re-imagined the accident. The deer. Banging her head on the steering wheel. Seeing her boyfriend and friend unconscious.
“Hello? Can you finish bagging my groceries?”
Riley passed out from anxiety.
Alana called 9–1–1 and an ambulance quickly arrived.
The paramedics quickly rushed through the Checkout, picked up Riley, and set her on the gurney.
“What happened?” one of the paramedics asked.
“I don’t know, I was ringing in this customer’s groceries, I heard Riley talking about something, and then she’s on the floor,” the cashier replied, still in shock.
“She was in a car accident a few weeks ago,” Alana the manager added.
She was rushed to the hospital.
Once they entered the emergency room and her gurney was handed off to a nurse, Riley woke up. “Huh? What, what happened?”
“You passed out at work. We’re keeping you overnight for observation,” the nurse replied.
“Tell my boyfriend I’m back in the hospital.”
“Who’s your boyfriend?”
“Noah Wilden.”
“Oh, he’s in room 103.”
“I know that, just tell him.”
“I will.”
Riley’s gurney was pushed past room 103.
“Hi, Riley! Oh.” Noah shook his head. “I’ll see you later.”
Her gurney was pushed into room 110.
The next morning, she was discharged and was told to take a few more weeks off from work. She agreed.
She visited Noah again.
“Riley! I haven’t heard from you in a few days! What happened?”
“I passed out a work.”
“Do you remember anything that happened before your fall?”
“I remember talking to a customer, then I zoned out, and I re-saw the accident.”
“Riley, that was weeks ago. Move on!”
“You don’t think I know that?”
“How are feeling now?”
“Better, no internal bleeding so that’s good. How are you doing?”
“Getting better every day.”
“And how’s Oliver?” She pulled back the curtain to reveal Oliver in his hospital bed.
“I’m fine, still in pain.”
“You’ll get better–Alright, I gotta get back home. I have to catch up on my shows.”
“I’ll see you in a few days, honey,” Noah said as she hugged him. “Get some rest.”
“You too,” Riley replied.
Riley drove left the room and drove home.
She returned home and called Noah a few hours later, but he didn’t answer. He must be asleep.
A few days later, she went back to the hospital to visit Noah.
“Riley! I haven’t heard from you in a few days!” Noah said surprised.
“And I haven’t heard from you. Why?”
“Sorry, I’ve been in the hospital and I need to rest.”
“I know, how much longer did the doctors say you’d have to stay here?”
“A few more months.”
“Well, I have to go. I need to buy some groceries.”
“So soon?”
“Yeah, but I’ll visit you tomorrow.” She pulled back the curtain in front of Oliver. “Bye, Oliver.”
Riley visited her boyfriend every day for a few weeks until she had to return to work.
She walked into the store, clocked in for her 2 pm shift, and walked through the checkout.
“Riley! You’re back! How are you feeling?” Alana asked.
“Better. Did I miss anything while I was gone?”
“Yes, we got a new Front End manager, his name’s Dan.”
“Cool, do you want me to do the changeover?”
“Sure and then I’ll introduce you to Dan.”
“Hi, everyone. The topic of the day is–what does B.O.B stand for?”
“Bottom of basket?” replied Kendra, a female bagger, who’s worked there for a few years.
“Right, when the customer comes up the register, check under their carriage for packages of water or soda and make sure to sticker it.”
“Okay, Rosa ring on register 3 and Michael bag on register 5.”
Riley continued to tell the cashiers and baggers which registers to go to until there was no one left to delegate.
She rang and bagged all night until eight o’clock came around. She announced over the intercom, “Attention Basket Market shoppers and employees, I’d like to draw your attention to the time. The time is now eight o’clock and we are now closed. We kindly ask you to make your way to our Checkout as our last registers are now closed. Thank you and have a great night.”
Michael walked up to Riley since Ean shut down his register.
“Michael, can you put up the chairs in the cafe?” Riley asked.
After all the registers were cleaned and Grocery was done breaking down the aisles, they were all sent home.
Months passed and Riley visited Noah on her days off and tried to call him, but he didn’t answer.
He was finally discharged and Riley and Noah returned home.
A few weeks later, Noah went back to work at the power plant.
Oliver’s jealousy festered inside him. I’ve had a crush on Riley since high school and now she’s dating my best friend. They’re only friends because Noah and I were friends.
A few more months passed and Oliver was finally discharged from the hospital. He had a plan to get Riley.
He took an Uber to Riley and Noah’s apartment building and knocked on their door.
“Who is it?” Noah asked through the intercom.
“It’s Oliver!”
“You finally got out of the hospital?”
“Yeah, is Riley home?”
“No, she’s at work. Why?”
“I just wanted to hang out with guys.”
“We can hang out in a few days when we both have a day off.”
Oliver decided he needed some groceries so he drove to Basket Market.
He parked in the furthest parking spot he could find and walked to the store. He walked inside and grabbed a carriage. He glimpsed at Riley, but she was too busy to notice him.
He walked around the store as he picked up things he need for his apartment, detergent, wipes, and body wash.
After he got everything he needed, he walked to the Checkout.
He began to set his groceries on the conveyor belt and he looked at Riley.
She saw him and immediately turned off her register’s light or shut down. “Sorry, we’re closed.”
“But I just put–fine,” Oliver replied as tossed his groceries back into his carriage. He pushed his cart to another register and checked out.
He later returned home and put away his groceries. He turned on the TV.
“After months of searching, Bobby Jones has been found. A man by the name of Ken Zeller found Bobby as he ran into the highway. Ken almost hit him, but he stopped before it was late. He was struck by lightning and is now in hospital.”
“Oh, too bad, but I’m glad they found him,” Oliver said to himself. How am I gonna get with Riley? What if I somehow broke them up? But how would I do that? They’re my friends, so I know their weaknesses. They both work a lot, so what if I?
He waited a few days and visited Noah at his apartment again. He pressed the button to talk to Noah.
“Who is it?” Noah asked.
“It’s Oliver.”
“Riley’s at work.”
“I wanted to hang out with you.”
“Alright, I’ll-wait why? We haven’t hung out in years.”
“I know, but maybe we could play some video games or something.”
“Okay, I’ll buzz you in.”
The front door to the apartment building unlocked and he opened it. He rushed upstairs and knocked on Noah’s apartment door.
Noah unlocked the door and let him in. “Welcome, what game did you wanna play first?”
“I was thinking Super Smash.”
“Good choice.” Noah walked over to his console in the living room and turned it on. “Who are you gonna choose?”
“I’m gonna choose-Melda.”
“And I’ll choose Mink.”
They played video games and snacked for hours until Riley came home from work.
“Oliver? What are doing here?” She looked around at the mess, plastic cups and napkins on the floor, wrappers and chips bags sat crumpled up on the couch and floor. “Noah, you’ve been home all day and you couldn’t clean up this mess?”
“I’m sorry, I haven’t had bro time in years and we kinda got sucked into this game.”
“It’s fine, I’ll just clean it up while you boys play!”
“I’m gonna go,” Oliver insisted. He pushed the crumbs off his shirt and pants and left. He closed the door.
“No, let me help you!” Noah shouted.
“I got it, honey!” Riley shouted back.
Oliver walked out of the building and drove home.
He called Noah a few days later.
“Hey, Noah. How are you and Riley?”
“We’re not doing so well. We’re on a little break.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Yeah, she went to live with her sister downtown.”
“I’m sure you two will get back together.”
“Hey, do you wanna hang out?”
“I can’t right now. I have to visit my grandmother.”
“Oh, say, ‘Hi” to her for me.”
“I will, bye.”
Oliver drove over to Riley’s sister’s house and drove up the driveway.
Riley’s older sister, Susan pulled back the curtains and peeked through the window since she heard a car coming up the driveway.
“Riley, is that Noah who just parked in my driveway?”
“No, we took a break.” She walked over to the window. “That’s my friend Oliver’s car. What is he doing here?”
“I don’t know.”
The doorbell rang.
Riley answered the door. “Oliver, what a surprise! What are you doing here?”
“I just came to visit my friend in her time of need. I heard you and Noah are on a break.”
“That’s okay, I have my sister to keep me company.”
“We’re actually about to go out for lunch. Would you like to join us, Oliver?” Susan asked.
Riley shook her head and waved her hands in the air. “Can we talk about this?”
Susan nodded.
“Excuse us,” Riley said. She shut the door.
“What’s wrong? Isn’t Oliver your friend?”
“Yeah, but I think he has a crush on me. I feel like he’s always been jealous of me.”
“Oh, let’s find out.”
“No, Sue!”
Susan re-opened the door. “Sorry, it’s just gonna be us today. I need to spend some time with my sister.”
“I understand and Riley, if you need anything, call me.”
“I will,” she squinted her eyes and closed the door.
Oliver drove back home.
Susan drove Riley to an Italian restaurant uptown.
Once Susan parked the car, they got out and walked into the restaurant. It was a little busy.
“How long’s the wait?” Susan asked the hostess.
“About ten-twenty minutes. What’s the name and phone number?”
“Susan and 551–825–5678.”
“What did they say?”
“About twenty minutes. They’ll text me when the table’s ready.”
Fifteen minutes later, Susan got a text that the table was ready.
The hostess called them over. “Susan, party of two?”
“That’s us.”
They followed the hostess to their table and set their menus on the table.
“Your waitress will be right with you.”
“Thank you,” Susan said.
“What are you getting?” Riley asked.
“Probably a Mediterranean salad. What are you getting?”
“I don’t know, maybe small macaroni and cheese.”
The waitress walked over to the table and they order their drinks.
She later returned with their drinks. “Are you two ladies ready to order?”
“I’ll have the Mediterranean salad with olive oil,” Susan replied.
“And I’ll get the macaroni and cheese with bacon bits,” responded.
“Good choices, I’ll put those in and they will be ready shortly.”
“Thank you,” Susan kindly said to the waitress. “So, do you like Oliver?”
“Yes, he’s my friend.”
“I mean like like him.”
“What are you in high school? I have a boyfriend, his name is Noah.”
“I know, but you don’t like Oliver that way?”
“I–no. Noah and Oliver have been friends since middle school. I don’t want to ruin their friendship. Who are you dating these days?”
“No one.”
“So you can’t say anything. How’s your job at the fashion company?”
“It’s alright, I’m still a secretary, but I’m in my last year of college as a fashion major. I’m so close to the end!”
“That’s great, I’m so proud of my big sister.”
“Really? How’s being an assistant manager?”
“Yes, it’s been a re-adjustment after the accident and the fall, but I’m doing much better.”
“That’s good.”
The waitress brought the food over and they ate. They argued over who would pay the bill and Susan said, “You’re my guest, let me treat you to lunch.”
“Fine, I’ll pay for the next one.”
A few weeks later, Riley returned to her apartment and found Noah on the couch drinking soda. Soda cans, bags of chips, and crumbs sat on the floor and the couch.
“So, you haven’t changed since I left?” Riley rhetorically asked.
“Babe, what are you doing home?” Noah replied in shock and sat up.
“Don’t babe me! I came home because I thought you changed, but you obviously haven’t.” She waved her hands in the air as she picked the mess.
“Riley, I got it. You go take a shower or bath or something.”
“No, I can’t do this anymore. I’m done. We’re through, Noah!” She stormed out and slammed the door. She returned. “I’ll be back later for my stuff!”
Noah rushed to the door. “Riley, wait! We can work this out! I can change!”
“Yeah right.”
Riley stomped down the stairs and drove back to her sister’s house.
Noah went back inside and returned to playing video games.
After a game over, he called Oliver to tell him the news. “Hey, Oliver.”
“Hey, Noah, what’s up?”
“Nothing, Riley just broke up with me.”
“Yes! — I mean I’m so sorry to hear that. You two were such a good couple.”
“I know, wait–what do you mean “Yes”? Did you like Riley?”
“Of course, she was my friend.”
“I mean like like her. Did you have a crush on her?”
“No, why would you think that?”
“Wait, when you came over a few weeks ago–”
“I gotta go! Bye!”
“Before you hang up, I know what you did and we’re not friends anymore.”
“I’ve got plenty of friends I don’t need you or Riley.”
Oliver hung up. I’ve got no one now. Maybe it’s time to make some new friends or get my own girlfriend.
He tried to call Riley, but she didn’t answer.
He waited a few days and tried calling her again but it went to voicemail. “Hey, Riley. I just wanna check in with you. I heard you and Noah broke up. Are you alright? If you need to talk, you can always call me.”
She texted him:
I just wanna be left alone.
Stop trying to call me.
I just want to make sure you
were alright.
Don’t play dumb with me. I
know you had a crush on me.
No, I don’t think so.
You were trying to break us up
And get with me. I can’t be
with someone so deceptive.
I understand.
Oliver put his phone down on his bed and lay down. Will I ever find someone? Or will I be alone forever?