Murder in Manch City
Melvin was a criminal, he murdered one person. Blood stains were on Main Street, but his lawyer, Dan Del reveled as he tried to prove his innocence. He wanted him to be freed from the court and prison.
The court date was today, Wednesday, April 13, 2011.
But Melvin was arrested on the spot for another crime he committed. He murdered his wife, Betty. The police took him away and locked him up. He was in court that day.
“You don’t have any evidence!” Melvin shouted at the cops.
The cops dressed in all black, beards on their faces.
“Yes, we do, blood was left all over the crime scene,” one cop replied in a manly voice.
“Your honor,” the other cop said and set the evidence on the judge’s bench.
“How unprecedented, Officer Larson, but I’ll allow it,” Judge Brewduex announced.
The trial of Melvin Mardo continued and the evidence was against him. The lawyer of his deceased wife’s sister, Stacy fought rough and he was claimed guilty.
Melvin’s lawyer proved he was not innocent, but he was vigilant and failed.
Melvin proved to be guilty by the judge, the jury, and Stacy’s lawyer and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. That was the last anyone ever saw of him until his 60th birthday, but he died that day.