Murdered at the Manor

The Writer
1 min readOct 6, 2023


The Obsession Butcher murdered everyone who entered the manor, starting with Adria. I’m going to kill everyone who enters this manor, he thought.

Adria, a young woman entered the manor, opened the door, and feared what might come next. She spotted ghosts and ghouls.

The ghosts shouted in her face, “You’re next!”

“I’m next? Who’s going to kill me?” Adria questioned.

A man behind the wardrobe pulled out a knife and stabbed Adria in the chest. She died instantly.

Decland was next to enter the manor. He was killed instantly by the killer, the Obsession Butcher. He murdered everyone who entered the manor, including Decland.

Next on the list was Sandy, an older woman in her thirties. She was killed by a pitchfork through the head and the brain. She was immediately killed on impact.

Next on the Butcher’s list was Cameron. He was shocked electrically with a toaster in the bathtub. He died instantly and was killed by the shock.

The police arrived and arrested the killer, the Obsession Butcher. His real name was Jason Voorhees, a serial killer from the popular franchise about him.



The Writer

I write fantasy, romance, end of the world, and sci/fi short stories and flash pieces. I also love editing. Website: