Body and Crime
This flash fiction is inspired by the Taylor Swift song, “No Body, No Crime”. No copyright intended.
All rights go to the YouTube creator above, ellps, @ellps, and Taylor Swift’s Evermore album: Characters not related to the song.
Sherri, an older woman in her fifties, entered the bathroom of her house and found her dead husband. Blood dripped from the toilet and onto his face.
“Bob, what happened to you?” She questioned herself.
Blood dripped across the floor as she ran to call emergency services.
The police arrived at Sherri’s house quickly and knocked on her door.
She led the officers upstairs through a blood trail. She slipped in the trail of blood. The officers stepped through the blood and left a dripping trail.
I miss him so much. I wonder who killed him or was it a suicide? She thought.
“We’ll find the killer, ma’am. Don’t worry,” Officer Jones said.
She ran out of the house and called her mother to speak with her about the murder. Her footprints stained the carpet with blood.
The conversation lasted ten minutes about the death of her husband. Her mother arrived on the scene.
Over the next few days, the police deduced that it was Bob’s mistress, Barbara. The blood matched her DNA samples.
Later, the police picked up Barabara and brought her to the police station for questioning. The good and the bad cops made her confess to the murder of Bob. She was arrested on all counts of murder. The evidence was stacked against her. She was thrown into prison.
In the trial a few weeks later, the judge and the jury announced that she was guilty. She was sentenced to prison for the rest of her life.
She died in prison, her last wish was to see her mother.
“Mom, I’m dying. Please save me.”
“You did this to yourself, dear. It’s time for you to go, to hell.”
The electric chair shocked and killed her.
Sherri survived and lived her own life. She continued the dance of life and eventually died of lung cancer.
The only survivor was their daughter, Jessie. She lived her own life and moved on. She dated a man named James. They lived happily ever in their wooden house in Maine. No one ever bothered them until their time was up and they died in their eighties.
Sherri survived and lived her own life. She continued the dance of life and eventually died of cancer. Lung cancer.
The only survivor was their daughter, Jessie. She lived her own life and moved on. She dated a man named James. They lived happily ever in their wooden house in Maine. No one ever bothered them until their time was up. They died in their 80s.