Original Beginning/Alternate Ending to Tears of a Teenage Boy
Josh’s boyfriend David broke up with him earlier today.
They met at the park and David told him, “I can’t be with you anymore. You’re bossy and always busy.”
“What, no I’m not,” Josh replied.
“Uh, yes, you are. You never do what I want to do. It’s always let’s go to the roller rink or I have homework,” David said.
“Yeah, I have a job and schoolwork. I’m a busy person,” Josh said.
“But we never go on dates, in public like at a restaurant. And when we do go out, it’s out to this park to talk, which is fine. But I want more,” David said.
“More of what?” Josh asked.
“More of you, more of us. I want to be together, not all the time, but sometimes. You’re always busy. And I know you haven’t come out yet to anyone, but me. But I need you to put one hundred percent of yourself into this relationship. You’re putting in like fifty,” David said.
“I know, but it’s hard for me. I used to be a lady killer, what am I now? And what do I come out as gay or bi? I don’t know if I still like girls. All I know is I like you,” Josh said confused.
“I don’t know, you have to figure it out for yourself. I figured it out, I’m gay, but I still have some exploring to do and experiences to live. You have to do that too, but not with me. I like you, but not in that way anymore,” David said.
“You don’t think I know that,” Josh shouted.
“If you knew that you wouldn’t be with me. I’m not right for you, I want adventure and you want mundane-ness. The same thing over and over and over again. We can’t be together anymore,” David said.
“I can change, you’ve changed me before, you can do it again,” Josh pled.
“I know, but this time it’s too much work. You need to talk to a counselor or someone you trust to work out yourself and your sexuality,” David said.
“Okay, I will, but can you do something for me?” Josh asked.
“I know exactly what you’re talking about,” David said before kissing him on the mouth.
To Josh, it felt like they were floating, hovering above the ground. It was their first and only kiss. To David, it was their first and last kiss, a kiss of many.
David walked away after the kiss.
“Dave wait!” Josh shouted to David.
Josh knew David heard him, but he didn’t follow or chase after him. He knew it was over and he had to move on. He rushed home and into his bedroom. He sat at the foot of his bed and stared at the trifold he and David made a few months ago.