Reading Kevin Anxietia Pt. 5
Kevin needed a book to read for his creative writing class. He looked in the fiction section and found Corey looking at the back of a book.
“Hey, Correy, how are you?”
“Kevin? It’s been a while.”
Corey looked from his book, sat up, and hugged Kevin.
Kevin didn’t like the hug, but he reciprocated anyways.
“What are you doing here?” Corey asked Kevin.
“My teacher wanted us to read a fiction novel for next week. She said to pick any book we wanted.”
“Did you pick a book yet?”
“No, I wanted a vampire and zombie book, but I can’t find one.”
“Here take this one, I read the summary and it doesn’t interest me. You’ll probably like it though.”
“Oh, thanks.”
“So, my offer still stands, do you want to be friends?”
“I’m pretty busy with school — ”
“How about weekends?”
“Weekends I work.”
“Well, we can spend some time together now.”
“I guess.”
They walked to the young adult section and saw two teens smooching behind a bookcase. The librarian heard them and asked them to leave.
Kevin sat down and began to read his book.
Corey found a misshelved book, a collection of short stories by Ryan Arts titled “The Tears of Universe”. He read the seven short stories and found them riveting. He checked out the book so he could read the collection again. He even asked if the author had any more books. The librarian told him they didn’t have more of his books, but a few of his recent books are on Grabizon.
Kevin also checked out the book he was reading. He came out of his shell a little and asked, “Wanna come hang out at my place?”
“Yes,” Corey said with a smile.
Kevin opened the door to his place and it was a little messy. The trash can was tipped over and clothes were on the floor. “Sorry for the mess, I’ll clean it now, so you won’t trip.”
“I’ll help.”
After they cleaned, Kevin sat on his bed and so did Correy.
Corey opened his laptop and showed him a funny video. He kept clicking on recommended videos and they laughed for the next few hours.
“Alright, I have some homework to do,” Kevin said to Corey.
“Me too, bye.”