Super Six: The After, Ten Years Later
Ten years after the last time they saw the villain, they all, except Damon, went to dinner to catch up.
“So, it’s been ten years. What have you guys been up to since the last time we saw each other?” Azealia asked.
“I went to college and got married,” Simon replied as he pulled out the chair and sat in it.
“Good, what was your major?” Azealia questioned.
“Great, what about the rest of you?”
“I went to trade school for plumbing and welding,” Calvin said.
“That’s great, what about you, Elise?” Azealia asked.
“Wait, before we get to me, how have you been, Azealia? What are you doing these days?”
“I’m a guidance counselor at a middle school and anxiety coach on the side. Has anyone heard from Damon?”
The others shook their heads.
They all get an alert on their phones.
“He’s back?” Azealia asked in confusion.
“But we threw him into a portal,” Elise replied.
“I know, but maybe he worked his way back, somehow,” Azealia responded.
They all carpooled in Simon’s minivan and he drove as quickly as he could downtown. But there was traffic.
Cynthia opened her suitcase and pulled out some one-piece jumpsuits.
“I’ve been working on these. You guys better put them on if you want to fight him. I thought I’d try dark blue this time.” She also handed her friends the masks she made.
They put on their outfits and got out of the car. Someone had stopped the flow of traffic on
Main Street downtown.
“I’m back! I’ve been looking all over the Multiverse for you–five? Where’s the other one? It doesn’t matter,” the villain shouted.
Damon rode out from an alley on a motorcycle. He tried to talk to the group, but it was no use, they wouldn’t listen. He tried to take over their bodies, but they sent out their own blastwaves, and with their combined powers they hovered in the air.
“Villain, we’ve fought you time and time again, but you always come back. Why?” Azealia shouted.
“I was trying to find my way back to get my powers. I want them back.”
“They’re ours now, so leave our planet!”
“You know, I wasn’t going to come back. I gave up and I was lost until someone sent me a psychic message as to where to go.”
“From who?”
Four of the members of Super Six looked at Azealia and then Damon.
“You’re close.”
Azealia looked down as she hovered above the ground.
“Did you two work together?” Simon asked.
“I just wanted to bring the group back together,” Azealia replied.
“Is that why you invited us to a restaurant? So we’d all be in the same place?” Simon questioned.
“Let me explain, I was worried about Damon. I heard his mother died and I called him. We got to talking and we decided to get the team back together.”
“Why?” Cynthia asked.
“I missed being together and fighting the villain.”
“Enough talk, it is time!” the villain shouted. He lifted his hands up and began to suck out the Super Six’s powers.
Cynthia created a telekinetic wall over her friends. “How did you even bring the villain back?” Cynthia asked.
“Damon and I combined our powers and I send out a brainwave signal into space.”
“How are we going to defeat him this time?” Elise asked.
Cynthia dropped the wall and they all combined their powers. They hovered in the air and absorbed the villain’s powers until he turned to dust.
Calvin burned his ashes until they disappeared.
Azealia and Damon continued to see each other and the other four members went on with their lives…?