The Power is in My Hands
A boy, Jupiter got dressed for school and after he fixed his pants pockets, he noticed the pockets were wet. He pulled his hand out of his left pocket and realized water filled the palm of his hand. He thought it was from the shower, so he dried his hand off with a towel. But the water kept populating and dripped onto the carpet. He couldn’t stop the stream. He tried to think cold thoughts, but ice pieces fell out of hand. He thought about fire, a campfire, a building on fire and it worked, the water stopped. He later got on the bus and went to school.
Jupiter’s older sister, Trixie burned the steering wheel with her right hand as she drove herself to school. She saw steam emitting from the wheel and the scent of rubber filled the air. She pulled the car over and got out. She kicked all four of her car’s tires and they were all fine. She checked the heat dial and saw it was on high. The steam stopped and she went back onto her route to school.
A few periods into the school day, a villain landed on the roof of the school. The students and teachers rushed out of the school once they heard an echoing voice outside. His name was High Volume and he lived up to his name. His supersonic sonorous voice could knock down trees and rip through buildings.
“I heard there are two new little superheroes in town! Where are they?! Show yourselves!” High Volume shouted, which exploded a few nearby birds.
Jupiter’s left hand started to fill with water and restrained his hand to his side. “Not right now,” he whispered.
On the other side of the crowd, Trixie clenched her right hand into a fist and tried to hold back the weak fire.
The students and teachers were confused and curious about who these heroes are. They waited in anticipation for the heroes to reveal themselves.
Jupiter and Trixie looked for each other in the crowd. They ran to the back of the crowd and Trixie grabbed her brother by the left hand. She pulled him to her car, but their combined powers blasted them into the air.
“There you two are! What are you waiting for? Come and fight me!” shouted High Volume.
“And if we don’t?” Trixie shouted back.
High Volume flew over to the siblings. “You won’t like me when I’m mad.”
“Oh yeah,” Jupiter shouted.
“What are you–” Trixie whispered to her brother.
“I know what I’m doing.” He held up his right hand and blasted the villain with ice. He froze High Volume into a block of ice.
The crowd scattered as the ice block fell to the ground.
The siblings released their grips and gently landed on the ground with their newly heightened powers.
Trixie drove Jupiter back home.
The late summer sun melted the block of ice and High Volume had almost escaped. He used his sonic scream to break the remaining pieces of ice. “You think you can defeat me that easily. Well, think again!”
He flew around the city looking for the dynamic duo.
As Trixie drove up to their street and saw their apartment building was up in flames. Jupiter remembered their dad got home from work early on Fridays.
“Dad might still be in there!” Jupiter shouted.
“Calm down. Maybe he got out before it spread to the other apartments,” Trixie replied.
Trixie parked her car and they got out. They looked up at the window of their apartment and saw a figure in it.
“Maybe that was the fire?” Trixie guessed, yet knew she was wrong.
Jupiter tried to blast the building with his water powers, but his powers were weak from earlier. Trixie’s fire powers would only make things worse.
Suddenly, a wooden beam crashed through one of the windows on the first floor, which knocked a chunk of wood out of the window. It flew through the air and almost hit Jupiter. Trixie pulled Jupiter’s hand to get him out of the way. They shot up in the air.
“Now’s your chance! You have to save dad!” Trixie shouted.
“What? What should I do?!” Jupiter shouted back.
“I don’t know, blast the building with water or something!”
“I’ll try.”
Jupiter used his right hand to blast water onto their window. It was so strong it shattered the glass. He pulled Trixie into their apartment through the window to find their dad. He hid in the bathroom.
“Dad, we’re here to rescue you!” Trixie shouted over the raging flames.
Their father squinted through the smoke. “Trixie, Jup, is that you?”
“It’s us, dad. Grab my hand!”
Their dad grabbed Trixie’s hand and she pulled him to safety, out of the building and onto the grass. The fire department came and finished the job.
“Wow, you two saved me! When did you become superheroes?” their dad asked.
“This morning,” Jupiter replied.
High Volume returned and hovered behind them. “You thought you could get away from me that easily. Well, you thought wrong!” He screamed destroyed the remnants of the apartment building.
“High Volume, get outta here. We’ve already dealt with you!” Trixie shouted.
They re-clasped their hands and flew back into the air, ready to fight this villain again.
“I created you two and I can destroy you!” High Volume shouted.
“What do you mean you created us?” Trixie asked.
“I gave you two your powers!”
“What? How?”
“You see, I injected both of you with supresium, which gives you superpowers.”
“We don’t want superpowers. Take them back!”
“You don’t want superpowers? I love being a superhero,” Jupiter said.
“The powers are irreversible and non-refundable,” High Volume said.
“Why did I give us these powers anyway?” Trixie asked.
“I didn’t have anybody to fight, so I created some worthy adversaries.”
“We don’t have to fight, we can end this right now!” Trixie shouted as she raised her left hand.
Jupiter followed her lead and raised his right hand. Their fire and water blasts combined and twirled together. They blasted him to the ground and combined their powers again, this time at full strength. A portal opened and they pushed him into it.
“Well, that’s the last time we’ll see him,” Jupiter said.
“I have a feeling he’ll be back,” Trixie replied with a furrowed brow.