Waiting by my Ex’s Door
Stacy sits, leaning her head on her boyfriend’s door. “I’ve been waiting for so long for him. When will he return? I remember when we first met, I was at a coffee shop with my girlfriends. And they saw me checking out this guy. They knew from the look in my eye, it wanted that guy. They convinced me to ask him out, which I knew he’d say, ‘No,’ without a doubt. But when I finally asked him out, he said, ‘Yes’. We went on a few dates, here and there. I knew there’d be no future for us. Then we had a big fight and it been bad ever since. Now I wait by his door for him to come home,” she sings to herself.
Hours later, her boyfriend’s neighbor Ms. Tardson comes home and unlocks her door. She turns around and says, “What are you doing here? The man who lived here moved out a few days ago.” “Oh,” Stacy says. She tries calling him, but he doesn’t answer. Call after call and text after text, no response. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. I know we had a big fight, but why would he move over it?” she thought. She left his now old apartment building and walked home. She waited for his call, but nothing. He did send her a long text from a different number stating why he wanted to break up with her and why he moved. He said she was clingy, annoying, and possessive. Sometimes verbally abusive. He told her to never call or text him again as he wouldn’t answer. He would even block her number if she tried. She cries as she thought about the times they spent together. She thought she may never find love again. But things happen for a reason.