An alien spaceship crash-landed on Earth. Xena, a female body snatcher (who has to kiss someone, a human to switch bodies with them) pushed off the rubble from her body. Xena was a delivery woman for Galaxis, an e-commerce company that delivers items across the galaxy. She walked around the rubble of the ship and exited. She didn’t know how to fix her ship, so she tried to contact headquarters. But had no signal. She had no idea where she was. She used her voice to record the scenery she saw, on her watch called a Vox. She walked out of the woods and into a nearby park. She saw humans, so she hid in the bushes. She remembered reading about Earth and humans in school. She knew their weaknesses and strengths. But how would she get home or at least back on her delivery route?
Jerad, a mid-twenty-year-old was hiking in the woods when he found what looked like a crashed alien ship. He looked inside and discovered wires and a large screen. He’s an electrician, so he tried fiddling with the wires and reconnecting them. He managed to turn on the screen. “Help, this is Xena, my ship has crash-landed on this foreign planet. I will be unable to complete the delivery,” the alien woman on the big screen said. Jared searched the small ship for the alien but didn’t find her. He knew he had to find her before she caused trouble or pandemonium. He walked out of the woods and into the park. He looked everywhere for her until while he was distracted, he tripped and fell into a bush. He landed on the alien he was looking for. He landed right on top of her and they accidentally kissed. Xena thought of how badly she wanted to go home and accidentally took over his body. Jerad’s irises turned red and Xena had full control. It felt odd to her, but it also felt so right. She had access to his memories and knowledge. With this, she (he) ran back to her spaceship. She re-attached and re-connected every wire with his electrician knowledge. Once she got the big screen working at full capacity, she had a flash of Jared’s memory of partly fixing the screen earlier. She knew they didn’t meet by accident now, but she didn’t care. Her new objective with her newly discovered power was to fix her ship. She needed an engineer to repair the outside of the ship. She rushed back to her unconscious body and kissed it for the switchback.
Jerad woke up exhausted and his body ached. But he knew he had to find Xena. He got up and walked back into her ship. He needed a tracker or something to find her. He searched through some boxes and found an old Vox. He put it on and discovered a square next to the ship’s console. It was a divot, a space to activate something. He put the watch on the space. “Hello, Xena and welcome to one of Galaxis’ delivery ships. This is the first day of the rest of your life,” a disembodied robotic voice said. The ship started up and powered down as it wasn’t repaired. I wonder if this is Xena’s first watch. Maybe it can be used to find her. Jared thought to himself
She thought to herself that she needed an aerospace engineer, so she used her super-speed to run to the nearest plane hangar. She searched for the closest one on her Vox, which was an Air Force base. She kissed the door attendant and let herself in. She closed the gate behind with a remote she found in the door attendant’s booth. She ran so fast no one saw her enter the hangar and kiss the aerospace engineer. His irises turned red and she took over his body, she ran back to her ship. She fixed the outside of it, making minor and major repairs. She kissed her unconscious body and thought of who she would need next. The only thing needed was to fix the hyperdrive, which is used for hyperspace travel.
Jared finagled with the watch and looked for a tracking program. But all he could find was a tracker in the mechanisms of the watch. He had to get the tracker on Xena.
Xena remembered Earthlings haven’t yet achieved interstellar travel, but the thing they call the Internet has a lot of fictional information on it.
Jared saw the blur of Xena as she ran toward the ship. He hid behind it. He heard the ship’s door open. He quietly followed her. She walked to the control room of the ship. He walked behind her, in her shadow. Xena searched for information on the hyperdrive on her Vox. She found little information on it. “Jared, I know you’re here, I can sense you,” she said. He quickly stuck the tracker on her outfit and ran out of the ship. She kept playing with the hyperdrive until walked out of the ship. She found Jared behind the ship. She knelt down and placed her hand on his cheek. She kissed him and took over his body. Xena (Jared) walked back into the ship. She used his previously untapped knowledge of science fiction shows and their ships’ mechanics to fix the hyperdrive. Jared tried his best to fight Xena’s takeover, a few of his attempts were successful, but every time she regained control. “Xena, don’t do this — -we’re meant to be together — -we were meant to find each other — -” “Oh Jared, you were here at the right time, but my time on Earth is short. I just needed to use you humans to fix my ship,” she said in Jared’s body. She finished fixing the hyperdrive. She kissed her unconscious body and threw his body off the ship. She closed the door and flew off in the ship. Jared kept her old Vox and tracked her. He would track her until he could build a ship of his own to get to her.